Can Hair Transplantation Be Completed in One Session? » Center of Surgeons

Can Hair Transplantation Be Completed in One Session?

The duration of the hair transplant process varies depending on the number of grafts to be implanted and the number of sessions. Before the procedure, planning is carried out by correctly evaluating the capacity of the hair in the areas where the person’s hair falls out and in the area where the hair will be extracted. The hair transplantation process can take about 6-9 hours, depending on the number of grafts. But these periods may also differ depending on the experience of the doctor and his team.

How Many Sessions Are Required For Hair Transplantation?

For a hair transplantation, usually one session is enough, and many patients are satisfied with the result. But in some cases, not always the desired density can be reached during the first session or people who have had a hair transplant may not be satisfied with the hairline. In this case, patients may find a 2nd hair transplant session more satisfactory.

Hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss in women. Some people may experience more hair loss after the first hair transplant. In such cases, the 2nd hair transplantation session may be applied less than the previous one. Nevertheless, this session can help improve the appearance of balding areas.

Is There a Session Limit For Hair Transplantation?

For the hair hairtranplantation procedure, you need to prepare yourself for everything. After making this decision, you should do a lot of good research about hair transplantation. It is very important to choose an experienced doctor and the right hair transplantation clinic. The number of hair transplantation sessions is determined by the density of hair you have.

The more hair follicles you have, the more hair you will get out. If your hair is thin, the number of roots to be taken for hair transplantation is also reduced accordingly. According to the clarity in your hair, a single session may be enough for a hair transplantation. These sessions can be up to 3 sessions depending on the need. The more grafts are taken and implanted during the hair transplantation process, the more natural appearance you will have.

How Many Grafts Can Be Planted in One Session?

Certain rules must be followed when performing a hair transplantation. For this reason, the amount of hair to be transferred in one session should be determined in advance. About 3000-4000 grafts can be implanted during the procedure.

It is important that the hair transplant process is performed in accordance with the patient’s wishes, rather than how many strands will be implanted in a single session. For this reason, hair that will be implanted in a single session is divided into certain numbers and a hair transplant is performed. Thanks to this, the quality of the hair transplantation process also increases.