Hair Loss – Causes » Center of Surgeons

Hair Loss – Causes

Hair loss is a major problem for many people. Baldness, which occurs especially in men, also affects the person psychologically. There are certain reasons for hair loss, regardless of male or female. A different treatment method is applied for each hair loss cause.

  1. Hereditary Hair Loss

Both men and women experience this type of hair loss, which is the most common cause of hair loss worldwide. Regardless of whether it develops in men or women, it is medically referred to as androgenic alopecia.

Whichever term you use, it means you inherit the genes that cause your hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop hair growth.

In women, the first noticeable sign of hereditary hair loss is a part that is generally thinning or starting to open. When a man has hereditary hair loss, the first sign is usually a receding hairline or bald spot on the top of his head.

2. Age

With age, most people notice some hair loss as hair growth slows down. Hair begins to lose its color as well. A woman’s hairline naturally begins to recede.

3. Alopecia Areata

It is a disease that develops when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles and causes hair loss. You may experience hair loss on your body, including your hair, even inside your nose and ears. Some people lose their eyelashes or eyebrows.

4. Cancer Treatment

If you are receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy to your head or neck, you may lose all (or most) of your hair within a few weeks of starting treatment.

5. Birth, Illness or Other Stress Factor

A few months after giving birth, recovering from an illness, or having surgery, you may see a lot more hair on your brush or pillow. This can also happen after a stressful period in your life, such as a divorce or the death of a loved one.

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If you dye, perm, or loosen your hair, you can damage your hair. This damage to your hair over time can trigger hair loss.

Does Hair Grow Again?

Treatment can help stop or slow down hair loss. But for this, treatment should be started as early as possible. After cancer treatment, hair usually starts to regrow within months after finishing chemotherapy or radiation treatments applied to the head or neck. Dermatologists can offer medications to help hair grow faster. Wearing a cooling cap before, during, and after each chemotherapy session can help prevent hair loss.

If the stress stops, your body will re-adapt and excessive shedding will stop. When the shedding stops, most people see that their hair regains its normal fullness within 6-9 months.