Tooth Decay
Many people who experience this ailment wonder about this question Why do tooth decay? Teeth are personal. Everyone’s tooth structure and shape are different from each other. However, the common problem is tooth decay. Tooth decay that causes pain should be recognized and treated as soon as possible. Caries is caused by bacteria on our teeth. Bacteria in the mouth accumulate plaque on the teeth along with nutrition and create a habitat for bacteria. While the beneficial bacteria decrease with the plaque formed, the harmful bacteria multiply. This causes teeth decay.
What Are the Symptoms of Tooth Decay?
Symptoms of tooth decay vary according to the size, maturity, and location of the decay. Symptoms may not be seen at the initial stage of the decay, but as the decay progresses, the following problems may begin to occur;
-Discoloration can be seen on the tooth surface.
-Tooth sensitivity may occur.
-Holes can be seen in the tooth.
-Difficulty may be felt while chewing while eating sweet food.
-Pain may be felt when consuming hot or cold beverages.
How Is Tooth Decay Treated?
If you are experiencing the situations mentioned above, there may be a possibility of tooth decay. In such a case, you should consult a dentist. In some cases, the dentist can detect the decay with the help of an x-ray. The purpose of an X-ray is that some decay may not be easily observed. X-rays are taken to get definitive results. The physician determines how to follow the treatment method after the results. Generally, filling, crown, root canal treatment, and early treatment methods are preferred. These treatment methods are described below:
-Filling: The decayed tooth tissue is cleaned from the tooth and replaced with filling material. Now doctors use materials very similar in color to the patient’s teeth.
-Crown: It is a treatment used in advanced stages of decay. When a lot of decayed tissue needs to be removed from the tooth, the remaining tooth tissue may not provide sufficient support to the placed filling. In this case, the tooth must be surrounded by a form. After the procedure, a compatible crown is attached to the tooth.
-Canal Treatment: When dental caries progresses too far, it can reach the dental nerves and cause the death of the nerves. To save the tooth roots, nerve tissue, blood vessel tissues, and decayed parts. After that, fillings or crowns can be applied.
-Early Treatment: When a doctor is consulted in the first stage of decay, he strengthens the problem area with fluoride treatment and succeeds in restoring the tooth enamel. In this way, the patient ends the tooth decay before it progresses.
Who gets dental caries?
Those who use sugar and floury foods frequently and those who do not pay attention to their oral and dental health may encounter tooth decay because it causes tooth decay meets with bacteria from these products. Tooth decay can be seen more frequently in those who use drugs that cause dry mouth. The reason for this is that the decay-preventing structure of the saliva decreases due to drying.
What Causes Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay can cause many problems in untreated conditions. It is a disease that should not be neglected. Some problems to be encountered after decay are:
-Bad breath.
-Pain that will reduce your quality of life.
-Abscess may occur, which can cause serious problems.
-Pus can accumulate around the teeth.
-May have difficulty chewing and biting.
How To Prevent Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay, like many diseases, is preventable. Doing oral and dental care regularly, using dental floss, and not interrupting the doctor’s control can prevent tooth decay. In addition to these, it is very important to choose the right toothbrush. A medium or soft toothbrush can be selected according to your palate sensitivity. Low consumption of sugary, fizzy, and floury meals is also a good measure against the formation of caries.
How Should Teeth Be Brushed?
-Apply a small piece of toothpaste to your toothbrush.
-Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, i.e. diagonally.
-It should be brushed gently with oval movements without applying too much force.
-Clean the tongue surface.
-Teeth should be brushed for 3 minutes 2 times a day.
How Often Should Dental Checkups Be Performed?
A dental check-up is a procedure that should be done regularly. According to some experts, a check-up every six months is necessary, and some experts say that a check-up once a year will be enough. In addition to the examination by a specialist, do not forget to floss and brush your teeth. In children, preventive examinations at the dentist should be carried out regularly from the age of one, at least once a year.