Who is Suitable for SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY SURGEY? » Center of Surgeons


Gastric sleeve surgery is typically a suitable treatment for people who have a very high body mass index or are at risk of a longer procedure such as gastric bypass due to various conditions


Gastric sleeve surgery is typically a suitable treatment for people who have a very high body mass index or are at risk of a longer procedure such as gastric bypass due to various conditions, such as heart or lung problems. In some cases, both processes are carried out gradually.

Gastric bypass surgery can be used as a second step approximately 12 to 18 months after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This process also includes reducing the size of the small intestine. During this period, the risk of complications arising from the operation due to significant weight loss of the patient is greatly reduced, and the possibility of scar tissue formation due to the reduction in liver size is also reduced.

Characteristics of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Tube stomach surgery is performed for people between the ages of 18-65. In order for a person to be a suitable candidate for gastric surgery, the body mass index (BMI) values ​​determined by the World Health Organization must be 35 and above.

The entire procedure is performed by laparoscopic surgery. Patients typically lose about 70-80% of their excess weight within 12-18 months. Associated conditions such as high blood pressure and sleep apnea usually improve quickly.

The preparation process for the surgery and possible complications are always specific to the patient. What to do before and after the surgery, your nutrition and exercise habits need to be completely rearranged.

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed with very small incisions by puncturing the abdomen. These incisions are millimetric. Since the surgery is performed with a closed method, only very small incision marks remain in the abdominal area. Within a few months, these scars will be completely invisible.

What are the Possible Risks of Tube Stomach Surgery?

The common risks of each surgical procedure are also effective in sleeve gastrectomy surgery. The professional team should always be with you before, during and after the operation.

Possible complications specific to this operation are the mobilization of clots formed in the leg veins depending on the weight of the patient, respiratory problems that may occur especially due to leaks in the sutures and related abscesses and are seen in 1%.

How Much Weight Is Lost With Tube Stomach?Most patients lose weight completely after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. In general, the rate of weight loss is about 70% of overweight. Most of the weight loss happens in the first year. The following year, there will be some more weight loss. After two years the weight usually remains stab