Female genital aesthetics » Center of Surgeons

Female genital aesthetics

The main purpose of performing aesthetic surgery is that the person wants to change some things about himself.

The aversion of women to their own sexual organs paves the way for various problems. Although it is generally accepted that aesthetic surgery is performed to correct the external appearance, remove deformities and provide a symmetrical appearance, it should be taken into account that it makes a positive contribution to the psychology of the person and also aims at using or improving functionalities.

What is female genital aesthetics?

The genital structure of women consists of the vagina, the labia majora, the labia majora and the hymen membrane. The operations performed to change the actual shape and size of these structures are called female genital aesthetics. Genital-aesthetic operations are named differently depending on the area to be performed.

  • Labiaplasty is performed to correct the deformities of large and small lips. Vaginoplasty leads to a narrowing of the vagina.
  • The hymen membrane is a membrane that can be torn due to sexual intercourse or genital trauma and has the function of protecting the health of the reproductive organs in infants of women. Women who so desire can repair this membrane. Generally, people request this surgery due to family and environmental pressures, but it is not a necessary surgery for health and esthetics.
  • Filling the top of the vagina in the lip area also falls under the category of genital aesthetics.
  • Genital aesthetics can also take the form of repairing vaginal tears.

How is female genital aesthetics performed?

  • The first step is to decide which part of the genital area is to be operated on.
  • It is usually performed under local anesthesia. General anesthesia can also be used.
  • Labiaplasty involves removing excess skin and muscle tissue and reshaping the lips. Flaccid lips can aesthetically impair women and cause pain by closing the vaginal entrance during intercourse.
  • Vaginoplasty may require surgery or can be performed without surgery using the recently developed laser and radiofrequency applications. The purpose of vaginoplasty is to remove excess and loose tissue, constrict the vagina and suture it properly. In addition, the surrounding connective tissue is strengthened. This increases the pleasure of sexual intercourse for both men and women.
  • For non-surgical vaginoplasty, laser and high frequency applications can be used at the entrance of the vagina. This stimulates the collagen fibers under the tissue. Collagen fibers multiply and regenerate. This results in a tightening and narrowing of the vagina. It is a short 30-minute process.
  • During delivery, the vagina can tear on its own, and the doctor can tear it as well, so that the baby can be born more easily. If these tears have not been repaired aesthetically, the tears are re-sutured and reshaped through surgical procedures.
  • Fat removed from the person by liposuction is used to fill the vaginal lips and the upper part of the body. If this method is not applicable, situations such as sagging and wrinkles can be eliminated by filling this area with fillers containing hyoluronic acid.

Why female genital aesthetics?

  • Some thoughts about sexual intercourse and the not beautiful sexual organ can influence the psychology of women. Communication and sexual life between couples can be affected by this situation. In the future, this situation can lead to separations, as communication and relationship reach a dead end. Female genital aesthetics can be a solution for these situations.
  • The functionality of the vagina of the woman who cannot enjoy sexual intercourse can be provided.
  • The person can choose the most appropriate surgical or non-surgical methods together with their doctor.
  • The female genital esthetic method is performed within half an hour under suitable conditions and eliminates long periods of healing. The healing time is very short, especially with non-surgical methods.
  • No anesthesia is required for narrowing procedures performed with various applications such as laser and high frequency.
  • Since surgical procedures require anesthesia, the person has no pain during the operation.

Who is suitable for female genital aesthetics?

  • The vagina consists of living tissue. Depending on time and for other reasons it can lose its elasticity. The loss of elasticity means that sexual intercourse can no longer be enjoyed. Women with genital aesthetics can consult a specialist for this complaint.
  • Problems such as urinary incontinence can occur as a result of the bladder sagging. This situation can be ended with genital aesthetics.
  • Deformities, color changes, deformities and sagging can occur in the vagina. Women who complain about this situation can have genital aesthetics performed.
  • Deformities occur especially in women who give birth more frequently.
  • Sometimes incisions can be made in the vagina so that the baby’s head comes out more easily during delivery. These people can also apply to the hospital for these incisions to be repaired.
  • Congenital disorders can also be corrected by female genital aesthetic surgery.
  • The sexual development must be completed.

After female genital aesthetics

  • The healing time for surgical methods varies between 1.5 and 2 months. With non-surgical methods, this period is very short and the person can return to his or her daily life immediately after the operation. Before the stitches are removed and a full recovery is achieved, sexual intercourse should be avoided.
  • Using vaginal lubricants for the first sexual intercourse after recovery is a healthy choice.
  • Female genital aesthetics does not show 100% consistency. As the genital organ is alive, it continues to change, but aesthetic surgery continues to have an effect for a long time.
  • When you go to the toilet after surgery, it is important to pay attention to cleaning the genital area to prevent infection and ensure healing.
  • The risk of infection and complications is minimized by antibiotic treatment.
  • Painkillers prescribed by the doctor should be used against pain.
  • Some regional creams can be used to reduce sensitivity in the region.
  • Care should be taken to wear loose underwear and protect the area from irritation and impact.
  • For a few days it is necessary to use bandages.
  • Within a few days people can return to their daily lives.