Infertility » Center of Surgeons


Infertility means the inability to conceive within certain parameters. It can be caused by female, male or both genders and unknown problems.


Infertility means the inability to conceive within certain parameters. It can be caused by female, male or both genders and unknown problems.

Male infertility factors

Male infertility can be caused by varicocele, trauma, low or no sperm count, sperm damage, alcohol use or certain diseases such as diabetes, cysticfibrosis, autoimmune diseases, infections, hormonal disorders and genetic disorders.

Risk factors for male infertility include alcohol and drug use, toxins, smoking, age, health problems such as obesity, drugs such as testosterone, radiation, excessive testicular temperature, and chemotherapy.

Female Infertility Factors

Risk factors for female infertility include age, clogged fallopian tubes, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine problems, stress, poor diet, athletic training, and the risk factors listed for men.

After the age of 35, about 33% of couples experience fertility problems. Older women’s eggs are less in number, not healthy, and less likely to be released from the ovary. The woman is also more likely to experience miscarriage and other health problems.

Women under the age of 35 should try for one year, and women over the age of 35 should try to get pregnant for 6 months before consulting their doctor if there is no health problem.

Doctors use both partners’ histories and may perform tests such as sperm studies, ovulation tests, ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, or laparoscopy.

Infertility can be treated with medication, surgery, artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology, depending on the couple’s test results and other factors.

In about 80% of couples, the cause of infertility is either an ovulation problem, a blocked fallopian tube, or a sperm problem. In 5-15% of couples, all tests are normal and the cause is unknown.

What Are Infertility Treatments?

Infertility in men and women can also be treated with assisted reproductive technology or ART. There are several types of ART.

  • IUI: Sperm are collected and placed directly into the woman’s uterus during ovulation.
  • IVF: Sperm and eggs are collected and brought together in the laboratory. The fertilized egg grows in 3 to 5 days. The embryo is then placed in the woman’s uterus.
  • GIFT and ZIFT: Sperm and eggs are collected and quickly placed in the fallopian tube. İn GIFT, both sperm and egg are placed in the fallopian tube. İn ZIFT, sperm and eggs are brought together in a laboratory environment and the fertilized egg is placed in the tube after 24 hours.