IVF Journey For International Patients » Center of Surgeons

IVF Journey For International Patients

Fertility treatment is an emotional journey in itself, and distance and differences in language and culture can add stress to the process.

IVF Journey For International Patients

Fertility treatment is an emotional journey in itself, and distance and differences in language and culture can add stress to the process. That’s why it’s important to choose a clinic that is committed to facilitating world-class care as stress-free as possible so that all staff members can focus your energies on achieving your fertility goals on your own timeline.

What is Fertility Tourism?

Like other forms of medical tourism, fertility tourism is a very common practice of traveling abroad or to another area within the same country for treatment. Patients are often motivated to try fertility tourism when they realize that there are superior treatments or superior fertility doctors in another area.

Patients opt for IVF fertility tourism treatment when they cannot find egg donors or surrogate mothers in their area.

Clinics facilitate international patients at every step of their medical journey to ensure a hassle-free visit. A dedicated team is also in place to direct patients to arrange the relevant documents and necessary materials through the checklist to avoid last-minute anxiety before they leave their country. Members of this team help patients plan and prepare travel itineraries to the hospital.

IVF Fertility Surgery Offered for International Patients

After an initial evaluation, specialists may recommend surgery to look for the cause of infertility or to treat problems that make it difficult for you to conceive. Laparoscopic procedures include:

  • Tuboplasty – Repair of Fallopian tubes
  • Ovarian cystectomy – Removal of cysts from the ovary
  • Endometriosis treatment
  • Myomectomy – Removal of fibroids
  • Lysis – Removal of adhesions


  • Microsurgical tubal reanastomosis – Performed to rejoin the two ends of the fallopian tubes to reverse tubal ligation.
  • Myomectomy – Removal of fibroids
  • Ovarian cystectomy – Removal of cysts from the ovary
  • Salpingectomy – Removal of part of the fallopian tube when fluid builds up in the tube
  • Salpingostomy to create a new opening in the tube closest to the ovary when the tip of the fallopian tube is blocked by fluid buildup.
  • Fimbryoplasty to reconstruct the fringed ends of the fallopian tube when the part of the tube closest to the ovary is partially blocked or has scar tissue

If neither surgical nor medical treatment is suitable for male infertility treatment, assisted reproductive technologies such as IUI and IVF/ICSI are applied.